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Portal 2

Portal 2 could be a puzzle-platform amusement created by Valve. It was discharged in April 2011 for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The computerized PC adaptation is conveyed online by Valve's Steam benefit, whereas all retail versions were dispersed by Electronic Arts.

Just like the original Portal (2007), players unravel perplexes by setting entries and teleporting between them. Entry 2 includes highlights counting tractor pillars, lasers, light bridges, and paint-like gels that change player development or permit entrances to be placed on any surface. Within the single-player campaign, players control Chell, who navigates the broken down Opening Science Improvement Center amid its recreation by the supercomputer GLaDOS (Ellen McLain); modern characters incorporate robot Wheatley (Stephen Merchant) and Gap author Cave Johnson (J. K. Simmons). Within the modern agreeable mode, players illuminate confuses together as robots Chart book and P-Body (both voiced by Dee Bradley Dough puncher). Jonathan Coulton and The National created tunes for the game.

Valve declared Portal 2 in Walk 2010, and advanced it with substitute reality recreations counting the Potato Pillage, a collaboration with a few free diversion engineers. After discharge, Valve discharged downloadable substance and a streamlined outline editor to permit players to form and share levels.

Portal 2 gotten approval for its gameplay, adjusted learning bend, pacing, dim humor, composing, and acting. It has been portrayed as one of the most noteworthy video diversions of all time by various distributions and pundits.


A schematic of two stages isolated by a crevice and by stature. One entry opening is found at the foot of the hole, the other on a divider tall over the lower stage. A human figure is appeared by a direction way to be able to hop from the lower stage into the bottom portal and exit the best entry to arrive on the higher platform. Portal 2 challenges the player to utilize teleportation to navigate deterrent courses. The player's speed does not alter upon passing through entries. In this case, the vertical speed of the falling character is changed over into even speed by the entrance.

Portal 2 could be a first-person point of view perplex amusement. The player takes the part of Chell within the single-player campaign, as one of two robots—Atlas and P-Body—in the agreeable campaign, or as a shortsighted humanoid symbol in community-developed perplexes. These three characters can investigate and connected with the environment. Characters can withstand restricted harm but will kick the bucket after supported damage
. There's no punishment for falling onto a strong surface, but falling into bottomless pits or harmful pools slaughters the player character quickly. When Chell passes on within the single-player amusement, the diversion restarts from a later checkpoint; within the agreeable diversion, the robot respawns in the blink of an eye a while later without restarting the confuse. The objective of both campaigns is to investigate the Opening Science Laboratory—a complicated, moldable mechanized labyrinth. Whereas most of the diversion takes put in secluded test chambers with clearly characterized passages and exits, other parts happen in behind-the-scenes zones where the objective is less clear.

The starting instructional exercise levels direct the player through the common development controls and outline how to associated with the environment. The player must illuminate confuses utilizing the 'portal gun' or 'Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device', which can make two entrances interfacing two removed surfaces delineated as matte white, persistent, and level. Characters can utilize these entrances to move between rooms or to "toss" objects or themselves over a separate. Traces of set entries are obvious through dividers and other deterrents for simple location.

The starting instructional exercise levels direct the player through the common development controls and outline how to associated with the environment. The player must illuminate confuses utilizing the 'portal gun' or 'Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device', which can make two entrances interfacing two removed surfaces delineated as matte white, persistent, and level. Characters can utilize these entrances to move between rooms or to "toss" objects or themselves over a separate. Traces of set entries are obvious through dividers and other deterrents for simple location.

Amusement components incorporate Warm Debilitation Pillars (lasers), Outing Pipes (tractor bars), and Difficult Light Bridges, all of which can be transmitted through entrances. Airborne Confidence Plates dispatch the player or objects through the discuss and in some cases into entrances. The player must debilitate turrets or dodge their line of locate. The Weighted Capacity 3d shape has been overhauled, and there are unused sorts: Redirection 3d shapes, which have kaleidoscopic focal points that divert laser bars, circular Edgeless Security 3d shapes, an collectible form of the Weighted Capacity 3d shape utilized within the underground levels, and a cube-turret crossover made by Wheatley after taking control of Opening. The heart-decorated Weighted Companion 3d shape returns briefly. Early exhibits included Pneumatic Differing qualities Vents, appeared to transport objects and exchange suction control through portals, but these don't show up within the last amusement. All of these amusement components open bolted entryways, or offer assistance or obstruct the character from coming to the exit.

Paint-like gels (which are apportioned from channels and can be transported through entries) confer certain properties to surfaces or objects coated with them. Players can utilize orange Drive Gel to cross surfaces more rapidly, blue Repugnance Gel to bounce from a surface, and white Transformation Gel to permit surfaces to acknowledge entries. As it were one sort of gel can influence a certain surface at a time. A few surfaces, such as grilles, cannot be coated with a gel. Water can square or wash absent gels, returning the surface or question to its typical state.

The diversion incorporates a two-player agreeable mode. Two players can utilize the same support with a part screen, or can utilize a isolated computer or support; Windows, Mac OS X, and PlayStation 3 clients can play with each other in any case of stage. Both player-characters are robots that control isolated entry weapons and can utilize the other character's entries. Each player's entries are of a diverse color conspire, whereof one is blue and purple and the other is orange and ruddy. A calibration chamber isolates the characters to educate the players to utilize the communication apparatuses and entries. Most afterward chambers are less organized and require players to utilize both sets of entrances for laser or pipe redirection, dispatches, and other maneuvers. The amusement gives voice communication between players, and online players can briefly enter a split-screen see to assist facilitate activities. Players can "ping" to draw the other player's consideration to dividers or objects, begin commencement clocks for synchronized activities, and perform joint motions such as waving or embracing. The amusement tracks which chambers each player has completed and permits players to replay chambers they have completed with unused partners.

 Portal 2's lead essayist Erik Wolpaw gauges each campaign to be approximately six hours long. Entrance 2 contains in-game commentary from the amusement engineers, scholars, and craftsmen. The commentary, available after completing the diversion once, shows up on hub symbols scattered through the chambers. Agreeing to Valve, each of the single-player and agreeable campaigns is 2 to 2.5 times as long as the campaign in Entrance, with the by and large amusement five times as long.

Minimum Requirements

  • OS: Win Xp 32
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 1.7GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1700+
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon Xpress 1100 128mb or NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS 256MB
  • System Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 8 GB Hard drive space
  • DirectX 8 Compatible Graphics Card

Recommended Requirements
  • OS: Win Xp 32
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz / AMD Sempron 3600+
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 4550 or NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
  • System Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Storage: 8 GB Hard drive space

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